How Love Left Me - Episode 35

I sent that message with tears running down my cheek. Dede really crushed my heart. I thought I was in love but not knowing I was just finding myself pain. I still do love her even as I write my story, I still do love her.

My brokenheart was just like a disease that falls on you that no matter what you do, you are going to live with it. I was just managing to live with my broken heart.

Weeks passed and months passed. It was the fifth month since Dede broke my heart.
I was just there one evening and listening to music as usual when Dede called.  I answered the call without wasting time but I didn't say anything after answering. She also refused to talk so we were both on the phone listening to each others' background.

Non of us uttered a word for like 10 minutes. I realized she was tired of being on the phone without saying or hearing anything but didn't mind her.

She said; "Won't you talk?"

I replied; "You called me so if you don't have anything to say, please hang up."

She said; " I know I have wronged you big time but please  don't be silent on me. I have wronged you and I am calling to apologize. Please I want to be with you again."

I asked; "Have you finished talking? "

She answered; "Yes please."

The next minute, I hanged up the call and switched my phone to plane mode.
It wasn't because I don't love her. I do love Dede but her mode of quitting was too harsh for me. I could have died if I should be a HBP patient.

I woke up the next morning and switched my phone back to network mode. Within 5 minutes, my phone started ringing and it was Dede. I answered the phone and said one simple thing; "I accept you back."

The story continues.

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