How Love Left Me - Episode 26

It has been almost three months after my boss warned me about Dede's mother. I have never seen Dede since then. It all felt like she has left town.

I love Dede and whether she is in town or she is not, her love is still inside my heart. I was just hoping that she shouldn't give up just because her parents don't like me.

One Sunday afternoon, I was just at home when I had a call from Sellina. I thought  it was Sellina but when I answered the call, I heard Dede's voice so I called her name straight away.
She was like; "How did you know it was me?"

Then for the first time I flirt with a woman, I answered; "Because I miss you."

She then said; "I miss you too. Please I want to see you right-now."
I asked; "Please where?"

She gave me a perfect direction. I hanged up the call and rushed out without even telling my mom where I was going. As I was on my way, I was just imagining how I will lift her up, spin around with her and kiss her because I miss her so much.

Within fifteen minutes, I was at the location she directed me to. When I went there she was already there, looking more beautiful than ever. She was looking so pretty and fresh.
I thought all my thoughts on my way could emerge into reality but nothing at all for dullboy like me. All my hands were just in my pockets as if they were clipped to my pockets.

She was very happy upon seeing me and she had this beautiful smile on her face. She couldn't hold it any longer so she hugged me very tight with a lot of smile and said she missed me. I was so happy.

I felt so special and I could tell she also felt same. We had a very long chat and I was so happy until somewhere deep inside the conversation where she broke my heart.
This is how that part of the conversation went.

Dede: "I have not even told  you the reason why I wanted to see you"

Me: "I thought you wanted to see me because you missed me."

Dede: "Yeah! I miss you a lot but there is some other reason. I know it will break your heart and for that matter, I don't know how to put it."

The story continues

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