How Love Left Me - Episode 30

Days passed, weeks passed, months passed and it was a year and five months since Dede left.  I have completed learning repairs and no longer go to my master's shop unless he needs my help.

We have always talked on phone day in day out ever since she left but one thing that doesn't happen is; she doesn't allow me to pay a visit. But that didn't bother me much because she chat me almost every day.

Few months, my boss called me and said Dede's father has kicked the bucket. It was a big blow to my face. I called her that evening but couldn't tell her anything because I thought it could be a betrayal to my boss.
She knew my mood has changed and through that, she disclosed to me that she already knew about the incident but didn't want it to affect our chat.

Few weeks later, the funeral arrangements and everything was due so Dede came back home for her father's final rites before burial.
Immediately she arrived, she called me to come to her house. I was a bit nervous but I wasn't scared of anyone because I have missed my sweetheart. It's been almost a year and half that I have not seen her face.

I went to her house and met an ongoing wake keeping.
I searched for Dede everywhere but couldn't find her and her phone too was off. I saw my boss standing on the corridor of Dede's building and I ran to him.

He smiled and said to me: "Have you seen your wife?"
I replied: "No! Boss"

He said: "Your wife is now a woman. She came looking for you so wait. She will come right now."

I smiled and wanted to see Dede as soon as possible. It was around 7PM and the light in the house couldn't shine at some parts of the house but I was forcing my vision through the darkness just to see my sweetheart first before she finds me.

As I was trying to see through the darkness, Somebody blindfolded me with her two hands. I knew is a she because the palms were so soft and smells good but didn't smell like Dede.
I thought maybe Dede's scent has changed over the years so I went ahead and mentioned "Dede!!!" but the person didn't loosen the hands which signaled that I didn't guess right.

I smiled and said; "Please I can't guess. Who is it?"

The person slowly loosen her hands and I turned my back to look.

Guess Who!

The story continues.
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