How Love Left Me - Episode 33

The caller was Dede and I was so happy deep inside my heart hearing from her.
This was the conversation we had:

Me: "Dede, what happened? Why were you not calling me again?"

Dede: "Sorry. I lost the phone you gave me with your contact. I didn't have your contact on my new phone that was why I couldn't call you till now."

I got angrier upon hearing what she said.

Me: "So how did you get my number now?"

Dede: "Please! we will talk about that later. Kindly send me 2Ghc airtime to call my mom and we will chat after talking to her."

She hanged up after saying that.

Mr Loverboy, I was a bit a man of my own by then because I was working for Milicom Ghana Ltd, One of the biggest Telecom companies in Ghana.
I only started working there less than two months but I had some money to spend. So I went straight into my room for some money and sent her 10Ghc airtime just to make sure she will have enough left to call me back.

I waited for her call all night long but she never called to even tell me that she received the airtime.
It was all like the lovely girl I use to have has turned into some kind of beast I don't know anymore.
I couldn't sleep all night because I couldn't stop thinking about how Dede has changed so easily.

It was morning and I went to work. I decided not to call Dede because I was expecting her to call me since she promised to call back after talking to her mother.
Even at work, I couldn't think straight until I closed and came back home. I was so broken to the extent that I felt I was losing everything I had in this world.

I decided to call Dede that evening. I called her for like 10 times at different points in time and the feedback was all "Number Busy".

At around 9:30PM, my final call was able to reach her. She picked up the call and told me she was very tired and can't talk so she will call in the morning.

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