How Love Left Me - Episode 5

Few minutes after their conversation, Sellina walked into the shop and started with series of questions which really made me feel very uncomfortable. Dede on the other hand was still outside chatting with my boss while Sellina was trying to play with her new toy.
Of course, she had to force those answers out of my mouth. I was very nervous I didn't know why but I could tell Sellina was really a cool girl. Aside the fact that her appearance doesn't impress me much, I really think she is a cool girl.
Questions upon questions as if I was in an exam hall. She sat by my side on a bench where I was trying to get few stuffs fixed and she was somehow trying to get me talking to her.
She was so persistent that I had to give up trying to send her away by not talking. She got into my head and before I realized, I was answering every question she was asking.

She asked so many personal stuffs including where I stay, how old I am, why I'm working for my boss, where I schooled, where my parents are and even how I got to know my boss.

She also wanted me to ask her questions as well and that will be over my dead body. Definitely not me. I was just quiet so I realized she started telling me about herself without me asking any personal questions. At least if I don't know anything at all, I could tell if someone wants to become a friend.
The conversation wasn't ending any soon and my only prayer was, she should get hungry and leave.
Few minutes into the conversation, Dede rushed in, pulled her away and said to her; "Come lets go home. If I don't get you out of here, you will spoil the innocent boy."
Dede also said to me; "Bro, Please don't allow this girl to get into your head. She will spoil you."
I raised my head and smiled at them in a blink of an eye and fixed my head back into the down looking position.
Actually, it felt like I was carrying sacks of sand on my head so it took a really big effort to raise that head up and give a smile.
Within few minutes, Dede and Sellina were out of the shop and I am back into my good old self. Did I say "my good old self?", I lied. The truth is, I felt really happy and I could feel butterflies in my tummy.
I was so happy I had the opportunity to chat with a lady for the first time in my miserable life. Not only that but Dede said something to me for the first time.

I felt so happy and for that whole day, they never showed up at the shop again after leaving.

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