How Love Left Me = Episode 27

I just couldn't think properly because I didn't know anything that could break my heart apart from she breaking up with me.

I ask: "Did you cheat on me with another guy?"

Dede: "No, I will never do such a thing."

I smiled and said: "Or do you want to breakup?"

Dede: "Stop guessing.... Your guessing skills are too bad."

Me: "Ok, Its only these two things that can break my heart so there is nothing to worry about."

Dede: "Okay, I am traveling."

I smiled and all I was thinking was "OMG!!! this girl is crazy, so you just scared me with that?"
I didn't even bother asking when she was coming back. I laughed and hugged her tight and said; "Don't worry... You will surely come back to Joe. So don't worry at all."

She pushed me away a little, looked me in the eye and I could sense that something is still not right with what she said.
I was just about to ask why her sudden change of mood when she asked a simple question; "Do you think I am ever coming back?"

I could feel her question cutting through my heart like a razor blade. All the smiles on my face vanished from my face. I was sweating and non of us uttered a word for about two minutes.

I managed to open my mouth slowly and asked; "Why did you ask me that question? Are you not coming back again?"

She hugged me very tight and said; "My mum is sending me away to go and stay with my auntie. I don't think I will ever come back because I will stay there and school."

That was the first time I felt what it feels like to get a broken heart. It felt like my heart was breaking into pieces. I was so sad and almost cried but I still held on one thing. 'True Love Never Dies'.

No matter the distance, 'True Love Will Never Dies'
No matter the situation, 'Still True Love Will Never Dies'

She could feel the broken pieces of me in her arms as she wrapped her arms around me tight and placed her head on my chest listening to my heartbeats.

I don't know what she did but all of a sudden, I was happy again and we were smiling lost in another conversation so deep. It felt like she erased the thoughts of brokenheart from my head at that moment.

I checked the time and it was 7:30PM. I told her it was getting late so we should get going. Even though where we met wasn't that far from her house, it took us about an hour on the way to her house.

The story continues.
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